
The New Mexico Advisory Council on Arts Education (NMACAE) advises policymakers and promotes best practices and standards of excellence in the New Mexico arts education community at the state and local levels through advocacy, leadership, and research.


The NMACAE is a consortium of leaders (arts educators, museum educators, arts administrators, and professional artists who represent the Visual Arts, Music, Dance, Theatre, and Media Arts) instructing at all educational levels who provide their expertise about standards of excellence in the field of arts education for the New Mexico Secretary of Education, the Public Education Department (PED), the New Mexico Arts agency, school districts, museums, associations, teacher preparation programs and other arts organizations by advocating for high-quality, comprehensive, balanced and sequential, standards-based arts education programs for all students in New Mexico taught by highly qualified arts teachers.

Core Values

  • We value a quality arts education and believe that it is essential. It promotes global understandings, including diversity and equity, and enables students to more fully communicate their cultural heritages and personal experiences of expression, imagination, and creation. 
  • We contribute to a professional arts education community with our personal contribution of time and talent through leadership, networking and collaboration; advocacy, partnerships and recognition; research, learning, and resources for the public, stakeholders, and policymakers. 
  • We support and disseminate contemporary and exemplary best practices in pre-service preparation, ongoing professional development, pedagogy (teaching, content, process, and methodology), and inquiry (research, assessment, and evaluation) in the field of arts education. 
  • We advocate for ethical and rigorous standards of excellence for high quality, comprehensive, balanced and sequential, standards-based arts learning by qualified arts educators who are certified in their respective content (Dance, Theatre, Music, Visual Art, and Media Arts).